Samsung Mobile Press

Samsung Galaxy S II and Galaxy Note: First Mobile Handsets to Achieve Product Carbon Footprint Certification by the Carbon Trust

March 19, 2012

Android devices certified to internationally recognised standards

London UK, March 19, 2012 – Samsung Electronics UK today announced it has received carbon footprint certification for two of its hero Android devices, the Galaxy S II and the Galaxy Note. The Carbon Trust has certified the carbon footprints of both products having verified that they successfully met the requirements of PAS 2050, a global standard for product carbon footprinting.

The data for the certification was generated using Footprint Expert™ 3.3 software which accurately calculated the carbon footprint of the Samsung Galaxy Note and Galaxy S II. Footprint Expert™ 3.3 tool is able to efficiently produce robust and certifiable product carbon footprint assessments in accordance with PAS 2050. Carbon Trust Certification verified the carbon footprints of both devices, with the scope of the certification encompassing the whole lifecycle of each product, in conformity with PAS 2050.

Simon Stanford, Vice President, UK & IRE Telecommunications & Networks Division: “We’re delighted that both the Galaxy Note and Galaxy S II have been certified by the Carbon Trust for their carbon footprints. We always strive to offer our customers an exciting user experience through innovative hardware and our award-winning technology and services. We are thrilled to now be able to share these deeper insights into our products’ carbon footprints with them.”

Darran Messem, Managing Director of Certification at the Carbon Trust, said:
“We congratulate Samsung on calculating the carbon impact of these products across their lifecycle and achieving certification. Samsung has been quick off the mark in becoming the first organisation to certify the carbon footprints of mobile devices, and Samsung’s commitment to understanding the environmental impact of its products demonstrates to its customers that it takes climate change seriously.”

Samsung’s Green Management strategy was established in 2009, as part of Samsung’s Planet First initiative. Since then, Samsung Electronics has developed innovative solutions for environmentally friendly products. As part of this, Samsung reviewed the production, usage and end-of-life disposal of its handsets.

The Samsung Galaxy Note and Galaxy S II are available to buy in the UK across all major networks and retailers. The footprints have been certified for these two devices sold in UK, France, Spain, Germany and Switzerland.

About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence technologies with 2011 consolidated sales of US$143.1 billion. Employing approximately 222,000 people in 205 offices across 71 countries, the company operates two separate organisations to coordinate its nine independent business units: Digital Media & Communications, comprising Visual Display, Mobile Communications, Telecommunication Systems, Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, and Digital Imaging; and Device Solutions, consisting of Memory, System LSI and LCD. Recognised for its industry-leading performance across a range of economic, environmental and social criteria, Samsung Electronics was named the world’s most sustainable technology company in the 2011 Dow Jones Sustainability Index. For more information, please visit

About Carbon Trust Certification:
Carbon Trust Certification offers a full range of services to allow organisations to certify and verify their product carbon footprints. Carbon Trust Certification Company provides independent verification of the carbon footprints of products and services against the PAS 2050:2008 and WRI global standards for product carbon footprinting, the Carbon Trust's Footprint Expert TM and the Carbon Trust Code of Good Practice for Product Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Claims. Carbon Trust Footprinting Certification is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO 14065:2007 to provide greenhouse gas verification against PAS 2050 and the Code of Good Practice. More information can be found at:

About Footprint Expert:
Footprint Expert™ is a comprehensive software package developed and owned by the Carbon Trust Footprinting Company that produces fast, reliable and certifiable product carbon footprint assessments. Footprint Expert has been used to calculate the carbon footprints of over 5,500 stock-keeping units (SKUs) with a combined value of £2.7 billion in product turnover.

The latest version of Footprint Expert (version 3.3) includes new and updated Reference Data and Calculators for product carbon footprinting, as well as important revisions to the Guide, including:

• A new Supply Chain Hotspot Calculator based on economic input-output and Footprint Expert data to conduct hotspot assessments
• Update of major fuel emission factors (coal, natural gas, diesel, petrol etc.)
• New data on use phase of cleaning products, average retail and storage emissions and emissions of common building materials
• New guidance and calculator for assessing the GHG (greenhouse gas) impact of sourcing electricity and heat from CHP (Combined Heat & Power) plants
• More details on the Footprint Expert toolkit, including training courses, can be found at

About the Carbon Trust:
The Carbon Trust is a not-for-profit company with the mission to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy, providing specialist support to business and the public sector to help cut carbon emissions, save energy and commercialise low carbon technologies. By stimulating low carbon action we contribute to key UK goals of lower carbon emissions, the development of low carbon businesses, increased energy security and associated jobs.

The Carbon Trust helps to cut carbon emissions now by:
• Providing specialist advice and finance to help organisations cut carbon
• Setting standards for carbon reduction.

The Carbon Trust reduces potential future carbon emissions by:
• Opening markets for low carbon technologies
• Leading industry collaborations to commercialise technologies
• Investing in early stage low carbon companies.